Wetenschappelijke artikelen

De onderzoekers van IPSE Studies en aan het instituut geaffilieerde wetenschappers publiceren regelmatig in peer-reviewed journals. Deze meeste publicaties kunt u hieronder downloaden.

AuteursTitelJaarGepubliceerd inSector
Blank, J.L.T.
Van Heezik, A.A.S.
Purchase Efficiency in Dutch Youth Care: Locally Least Squares Frontier Method Applied to Municipality Data2024International Transactions in Operational ResearchZorg
Blank, J.L.T.
Van Heezik, A.A.S.
The Sustainability of Hospital Care in The Netherlands from a Labour Market Perspective: A Time Series Analysis of the Baumol Effect between 2000 and 20212024EconomiesZorg
Blank, J.L.T.
Van Heezik, A.A.S.
Blank, B.
Productivity and efficiency of central government departments: a mixed-effect model applied to Dutch data in the period 2012-20192023Journal of Public Sector EconomicsOpenbaar bestuur
Blank, J.L.T., Niaounakis, T.K., Bernardelli, L. V., Dollery, B.E., Kortt M.A., Miyazaki, T.Special Issue Economies of Scale and Collaboration: Financial Sustainability in Local Government (bundel)2021Sustainability Special Issue Economies of Scale and
Collaboration: Financial Sustainability in Local Government
Openbaar bestuur
Blank, J.L.T., Niaounakis, T.K.Economies of Scale and Sustainability in Local Government: A Complex Issue2021Sustainability Special Issue Economies of Scale and
Collaboration: Financial Sustainability in Local Government
Openbaar bestuur
Blank, J.L.T.Sustainable Provision of School Buildings in The Netherlands: An Empirical Productivity Analysis of Local Government School Building Operations2021Sustainability Special Issue Economies of Scale and Collaboration: Financial Sustainability in Local GovernmentOnderwijs
Blank, J.L.T.
Niaounakis, T.K.
Butterman, O.S.
de Roo, F.
Technische ontwikkelingen en de vraag naar medisch specialisten2021Tijdschrift voor ArbeidsvraagstukkenZorg
Niaounakis, T.K.Economies of scale: a multi-level perspective Applications in Dutch local public services2021DissertatieOpenbaar bestuur
Blank, J.L.T.
Niaounakis, T.K.
Valdmanis, V.G.
Biased technical change in hospital care and the demand for physicians2020Human Resources for HealthZorg
Blank, J.L.T.
The use of the scaling property in a frontier analysis of a system of equations2020Applied EconomicsOnderwijs
Blank, J.L.T.
van Heezik, A.A.S.
Policy reforms and productivity change in the judiciary system: a cost function approach applied to time series of the Dutch judiciary system between 1980 and 20162020International Transactions in Operational Research (ITOR)Veiligheid & Justitie
Blank, J.L.T.
Niaounakis, T.K.
Managing Size of Public Schools and School Boards:
A Multi-Level Cost Approach Applied to Dutch
Primary Education
Blank, J.L.T.
van Heezik, A.A.S.
Enzerink, B.
Policy Reforms and Productivity Change in the Dutch Drinking Water Industry: A Time Series Analysis 1980–20152019Sustainability as part of the Special Issue Application of Time Series Analyses in BusinessInfrastructuur
Blank, J.L.T.Measuring the performance of local administrative public services2018BRQ Business Research QuarterlyOpenbaar bestuur
Blank, J.L.T.
Frontier Estimation of a Cost Function System Model with Local Least Squares: An Application to Dutch Secondary Education2018Productivity and InequalityOnderwijs
Blank, J.L.T.
Niaounakis, T.K.
Inter-municipal cooperation, economies of scale and cost efficiency: an application of stochastic frontier analysis to Dutch municipal tax departments2017Local Government StudiesOpenbaar bestuur
Blank, J.L.T.
van Hulst, B. L.
Balancing the health workforce: breaking down overall technical change into factor technical change for labour – an empirical application to the Dutch hospital industry

2017Human Resources for HealthZorg
van Hulst, B.L.
Blank, J.L.T.
Valdmanis, V. G.
Concentrating Emergency Rooms: Penny-Wise and Pound-Foolish? An Empirical Research on Scale Economies and Chain Economies in Emergency Rooms in Dutch Hospitals2016Health EconomicsZorg
van Hulst, B.L. Enhancing hospital productivity2016DissertatieZorg
Blank, J.L.T.
Valdmanis, V. G.
Technology diffusion in hospitals: a log odds random effects regression model2015The International Journal of Health Planning and ManagementZorg
Blank, J.L.T.
van Hulst, B. L.
Optimal administrative scale for planning public services: a social cost model applied to Flemish hospital care2015The International Journal of Health Planning and ManagementZorg
Blank, J.L.T.

Benchmarking and Operational Management: an Application of Frontier Analysis to Dutch Secondary Education2015Hoofdstuk in: Contemporary Economic Perspectives in EducationOnderwijs
Blank, J.L.T.
Eggink, E.
The impact of policy on hospital productivity: a time series analysis of Dutch hospitals2014Health Care Management ScienceZorg
Blank, J. L. T.Veeneman, W.
Wilschut, J. A.
Urlings, T.
van de Velde, D.
Efficient frontier analysis of Dutch public transport tendering: A first analysis2014Research in Transportation EconomicsInfrastructuur
Blank, J.L.T.Maximizing public value for subsidized non-profit firms: a mathematical economic model
2013Journal of Productivity AnalysisSociale zekerheid
Blank, J.L.T.
Meesters, A.J.
Iteratively Weighted Least Squares in Stochastic Frontier Estimation
Applied to the Dutch Hospital Industry
2012Data envelopment analysis: Theory and applications. Proceedings of the 10th international conference on DEA (pp. 167–185)Zorg
Blank, J.L.T.
Haelermans, C.
Is a schools performance related to technical change? A study on the relationship between innovations and secondary school productivity2012Computers & EducationOnderwijs
Blank, J.L.T.
van Hulst, B. L.
Koot, P. M.
van der Aa, R.
Benchmarking overhead in education: a theoretical and empirical approach2012Benchmarking: An International JournalOnderwijs
Blank, J.L.T.
Haelermans, C.
de Witte, K.
On the allocation of resources for secondary schools2012Economics of Education ReviewOnderwijs
Wilschut, J. A.,
van Hulst, B. L.
Blank, J. L. T
Economies of scale and scope in mental health care2012Hoofdstuk in: Data envelopment analysis; theory and applicationsZorg
Blank, J.L.T.
van Hulst, B.L.
Governance and Performance: The Performance of Dutch Hospitals Explained by Governance Characteristics2011Journal of Medical SystemsZorg
Blank, J. L. T.
Hulst, B. L.
Urlings, T.
Does bureaucracy in secondary education increase with time and average school size? A time series and cross sectional analysis2011Bildung Und ErziehungOnderwijs
Dumay, A.
Mooij, C. M., R. Blank, J.L.T
A high road to Dutch healthcare reform2011Hoofdstuk in: Handbook of Digital Homecare – Successes and Failures (series: Communications on Medical and Care Compunetics)Zorg
Blank, J.L.T.
Valdmanis, V. G.
Environmental Factors and Productivity on Dutch Hospitals: A Semi-parametric Approach2010Health Care Management ScienceZorg
Blank, J. L. T. Non-maximizing output behavior for firms with a cost-constrained technology2009Journal of Productivity AnalysisPublieke sector
Blank, J. L. T.
van Hulst, B. L.
Productive Innovations in Hospitals: An Empirical Research on the Relation between Technology and Productivity in the Dutch Hospital Industry2009Health EconomicsZorg
Blank, J. L. T. Bureaucratiemonitors in het onderwijs
Position paper voor de expert meeting op 16
oktober 2008

2008Position paperOnderwijs
Blank, J. L. T.
Koot, P. M.
Efficiency Measurement: Economic and Institutional Influences on the Efficiency of the Dutch Social Benefits System – An Empirical Application2008European Journal of Social SecuritySociale zekerheid
Blank, J. L.T., Valdmanis, V. G. Productivity in hospital industry: Summary and conclusions2008Hoofdstuk in: Evaluating Hospital Policy and Performance: Contributions from Hospital Policy and Productivity ResearchZorg
Blank, J. L.T.Innovations and Productivity: An Empirical Investigation in Dutch Hospital Industry2008Hoofdstuk in: Evaluating Hospital Policy and Performance: Contributions from Hospital Policy and Productivity ResearchZorg
Blank, J. L.T., Valdmanis, V. G. Productivity in hospital industry: Introduction2008Hoofdstuk in: Evaluating Hospital Policy and Performance: Contributions from Hospital Policy and Productivity ResearchZorg

IPSE StudiesWetenschappelijke artikelen